Ocean Power Data Center Being Built In Scotland

Simec Atlantis Energy is building the world's first ocean power data center off the northern coast of Scotland.

Simec Atlantis Energy is building the world’s first ocean power data center off the northern coast of Scotland. Energy requirements will be met using giant tidal turbines at their already existing MeyGen 6 MW offshore site. Data center servers will be connected to the outside world via high-speed international fibre optic cables.

What Is An Ocean Power Data Center?

The ocean power data center will provide data storage and server services to a wide range of international clients. Being located offshore, clean power for the center will be generated by huge ocean turbines that harness energy created by the rise and fall of the tide. Also, the lower temperatures of a sea-based facility will assist cooling of the data center, often an issue with land based locations.

Tim Cornelius, CEO of Simec Atlantis, said:

“Data is being touted as the new oil. It is arguably becoming the world’s most valuable resource, and the amount of data requiring storage is increasing at a staggering pace. However, data centres are undeniably power hungry, and the clients of data centre operators are rightly demanding power be sourced from renewable and sustainable sources.”

Accordingly, the Simec Atlantic project has been designed to accomplish just that. It will provide significant data storage and computing power and receive 100% of it’s energy from a sustainable and reliable source: the ocean.

Who Is Simec Atlantis Energy?

Simec Atlantis Energy Tidal Turbine – Ocean Power

Simec Atlantis Energy is en route to becoming the UK’s largest independent sustainable power generator. Focusing primarily on ocean-based projects, Simec Atlantic presently has more than 1,000 MW in various stages of development around the world. In 2017, Simec Atlantic completed Phase 1a of their Pentland Firth MeyGen project and began producing power using 4 x 1.5 MW tidal turbines.

Where Will The Data Center Be Located?

The new ocean power data center will be built on Simec Atlantic’s existing 6 MW MeyGen station in the Atlantic Ocean off the northern coast of Scotland. However, the projected has secured additional seabed leases and government approval that will allow it to expand from its current level of electricity generation to over 80 MW, an increase of more than 10 times.


Simec Atlantis Energy: Website